Saturday, January 15, 2005

We have been teaching Judah American Sign Language for many months now. It is really paying off!

Words Judah can say now at 21 months old. Any deviation from true pronounciation is in parenthesis. An asterisk "*" indicates he only signs the word and doesn't yet verbalize it. A "++" indicates he verbalizes and signs the word.
  1. Apple++
  2. Ball
  3. Banana (bah)++
  4. Bath (bah)++
  5. Bird (burr)++
  6. Bubble (this is what he calls a balloon)
  7. Bye and Bye-bye++
  8. Car (cah, "brrrrr" - as in engine noise)
  9. Cat (cah, mee - as in "meow")
  10. Cheese (sheez)
  11. Chicken (gok gok gok)++
  12. Cold (coe)++
  13. Cookie (koo-kee)++
  14. Cow (cow, moo, sometimes says 'baa')
  15. Cracker (ka-koo, crackoo)++
  16. Cup
  17. Daddy (dada)
  18. Dog (dah, woof)
  19. Duck (quack quack)
  20. Eat (eee)++
  21. E-I-E-I-O (E-O-E-O)
  22. Go (go-go)
  23. Hello (heh-woe, ah-waoh, "hi")++
  24. Here, take (ah-bah)
  25. Hey you!/Hi you!++
  26. Horse (hor)
  27. Hot++
  28. Ice Cream (ice keem)++
  29. Juice (joo)
  30. Kitty (kee)
  31. Man (mah)
  32. Me, Mine (mee)
  33. Milk (mih)
  34. Mommy (mommy, mama)
  35. My turn*
  36. No (no, no-mee)
  37. OK
  38. Sheep (baa)
  39. Sleepy, Sleep++
  40. Thank You (tan goo)++
  41. Thirsty++
  42. Turtle (tur)
  43. Tractor (tack-toe)
  44. Train (tayn, choo choo)++
  45. Uh oh!
  46. Water (ah-wah)++
  47. Wee!
  48. Yeah (yes, affirmative)
  49. Yay!
  50. Your turn*

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